domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016


Halloween is a fun way of broadening students' general vocabulary and reviewing specific categories like, numbers and colours.  Below are some videos we've been using in class to do just this.

Reviewing numbers: How many fingers?

Five Little Pumpkins

I've been using the following video to introduce the following vocabulary items: green monster, scary witch, black cat, white ghost.
We've reviewed colours, done some classroom theatre (students wear symbolic costumes - witch's hat, my sons old sheet ghost costume, etc. - that I've been taking to class and have taken turns playing the above halloween characters while the rest shout, "go away").  This is also good input for introducing students to ADJECTIVE+NOUN word order.

Developing students' cultural knowledge of the target language (in this case, English) is vital as it helps them to contextualise language.  The following videos introduce Halloween as a cultural event.

These videos can be used as a way of extending vocabulary.

I hope you have fun with these.

Until next time,

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